EaPConnect launches Enlighten Your Research (EYR) @ EAP 2018 Call for Participation


The Call for Participation is open for Eastern Partnership research collaborations to submit Enlighten Your Research proposals  – deadline midnight CET on Friday 16 March 2018.

After the success of the EYR@EaP2017 programme, where projects were awarded in open data, cultural digital libraries, and education, we are pleased to announce the 3rd Enlighten Your Research (EYR) programme for the Eastern Partnership Connect project (EaPConnect), EYR@EaP2018 is now accepting project proposals!
EYR@EaP is a programme that promotes the use of computer network resources to foster international collaborations and accelerate the research and discovery process. To further promote the benefits of these resources to researchers, we challenge researchers to stretch the boundaries of their science and collaborate with other countries to perform experiments enabled by the national research and education network (NREN) infrastructures, services and support.
All research, and arts and humanities disciplines are invited to submit proposals, and we would especially like to invite high-performance computing users and researchers working in eHealth and cybersecurity to submit project proposals from the Eastern Partnership region, which includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
Download the flyer (pdf)
As well as collaboration in scientific research fields, we now add the possibility for co-operation in the area of musical performance, artistic research and education.
Example infrastructure services and resources that can be requested through the EYR@EaP2018 programme include (but are not limited to):
  • network services
  • cultural heritage digitisation
  • cloud resources
  • compute resources in collaboration with PRACE , PSNC and SURFsara (if collaborating with a European or Dutch institution)
  • guidance on open data and open science with OpenAIRE.
Your initial submission proposal can be completed online here!
What are the benefits?
The final projects for EYR@EaP2018 will receive:
  • support and advice on the use of network services and end-to-end network connectivity;
  • connections to e-infrastructure resources through the EaPConnect partners.
If your final proposal is selected for the EYR@EaP2018 programme, you (the main applicant) will be invited to go to the EaPConnect annual conference, EaPEC 2018 in Chisinau, Moldova (dates and venue to be annoiunced) and you will be able to present your project proposal at this conference.
Need help finding international collaborators?
There are many organisations in Europe seeking or willing to collaborate! From image analysis and synthesis with the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, in France, to robotics, algorithms and modelling at PSNC, in Poland, researchers in the Netherlands, Germany, Estonia and many others.  There are many opportunities to collaborate!
Send an email to research_eap@geant.org and we may be able to help find the right collaborators.
How can you submit?
The submission for the initial project proposal is very light-weight and will close on 16 March 2018.
The first draft proposal is submitted electronically by answering these questions in an online form:
  1. What is your primary research objective?
  2. Do you need to collaborate with other researchers in different countries?
  3. Presently, what technology do you use in your research?
  4. In the next 1-2 years, what technology could you use to accelerate your research?

Submit your first-round proposal here!

More information about submitting can be found in the attached files:
  • Terms & Conditions (.pdf)
  • FAQs (.pdf)
The documents you need to complete the final proposal will be made available during the second round at: www.eapconnect.eu/research.
We kindly ask you to submit a proposal if you are a researcher who:
  1. wants to collaborate or already collaborates internationally;
  2. can benefit from access to advanced networks and compute facilities;
  3. can benefit from collaboration with engineers and (support) experts to improve your research workflow.
We invite you to visit the official website, to read the supporting documents and to get involved. Visit www.eapconnect.eu/research to find all the details of the programme.
Important dates
Thursday, 1 February 2018
Call for Participation opens for 1st round proposals
Friday, 16 March 2018
Deadline for 1st round proposals close
17 April 2018
Committee reviews and selects proposals
Friday, 4 May 2018
Notification of selected 1st round proposals are sent via email
May – June 2018
Consultation meetings with researchers and experts
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Final proposals are due
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
Awarded proposals are informed
Dates TBD
Award ceremony at the EaPEC 2018 conference in Chisinau, Moldova
December 2018 – December 2019
Awarded projects are implemented

If you have any questions please contact research_eap@geant.org.

About the organising partners
The Eastern Partnership (EaP) is a regional and multilateral initiative between the EU and its six Eastern partners: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The partnership aims to provide support and assistance for reforms in the region in the fields of democracy, human rights, market economy, sustainability and governance.
The EYR@EaP partners provide and develop high-quality network services for all higher education and research institutions in their respective countries. The EYR@EaP organising committee consists of a number of partners from the European community of National Research and Education Network (NREN) organisations.

More information